Your New Pair of Glasses

The Client Letter
January 10, 2013
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

A lot of service providers don’t feel special. They know what they do is valuable, they just don’t know why everyone else doesn’t think that.

It’s hard to feel special when you’re 100% focused on what you do. Thousands of other people do what you do.

How special is that?

Plus, you’ve done “what you do” so much that you have to try pretty hard to remember when it felt special to be able to do it.

So where does that leave you?

Well, for most service providers, it leaves them feeling pretty blah.

And when a client shows up and wants to haggle over their already low fee, it can be pretty demoralizing.

What you do isn’t special. Not to your clients anyway.

They couldn’t care less about what you do.

But what they GET because of what you do… now that’s something that is special.

That’s something with the potential to be remarkable in fact.

But it requires a shift in your thinking, and a new pair of glasses. A pair of glasses that shows you things from the perspective of your clients.

Think from that perspective. Speak from that perspective. That small shift will put you ahead of 95% of the service providers out there.

Once you’ve committed to making the shift, then take action and build on that perspective.

This will help: