You, the Center of the Universe

The Client Letter
December 6, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Dark As Night 47 Degrees

“The world does revolve around you.”

Now when’s the last time you had anyone tell you that one?

And yet, I think that’s the case. Each of us is walking around in a world that revolves around us.

It’s just human nature, even if it’s not politically correct to say it out loud. (Oops.)

Having the world revolve around you is actually a good thing. It keeps you focused on the biggest responsibility you have: caring for your journey through life.

Your clients are there ultimately to serve your goals. You serve their goals because that’s an effective way to reach your goals.

It’s really a great system of give and take where everyone is served.

The problems begin when you forget your world revolves around you.

I’ve done it before. I’ve let one client or prospect become my world. My world screeches to a halt and my only focus is that single situation.

It’s like all the planets in my “solar system” stop revolving around me, shift direction, and start revolving around my prospect or client situation.

Do you know what happens in the real world if something like that would occur?

Cataclysm, that’s what. The fit would hit the shan.

No matter how crazy things get, never forget your world revolves around you. So if you allow prospect or client situations to “become your world,” you’ll be sorry.

Your business serves you. Remember that.

For other politically incorrect*** strategies to help you stand out from the crowd, get your copy of How to Get Kick-As* Clients today.