You Charge HOW Much?

The Client Letter
June 17, 2013
The Northland
Anything But Summer 46 Degrees

One of the areas of challenge when you’re a service provider is figuring out what to charge for what you do.

Many, MANY books have been written about this, so it’s clearly something that can go in a lot of different directions.

And to figure out what to charge, we often have to wade through a bunch of things like self-worth, self-image and all of that “nothing but shades of gray” territory.

It can get complicated. But complicated doesn’t help anyone, so let’s stick with simple for today.

And that brings me to the question of the day. It’s an interesting question to ask yourself because it can really get to the heart of someone’s issues about pricing.

Most of the people I’ve asked this question haven’t had a good answer.

Here’s the question:

“Why am I charging what I’m charging?”

There are two types of answers to this question. The first kind are the answers your mind is going to give you to rationalize what you charge. The other kind of answer is the truth: the real reason you chose that number.

We’re after the truth here. Only after we get that can we make progress.

So ask yourself that question and start listening for your answer.