Which Hat Are You Wearing?

The Desert of Arizona
Rain 50 Degrees

In the service business, you can pretty much wear one of three hats:

  • HAT 1: The do what you’re told hat.
  • HAT 2: The figure out what to do and also do it hat.
  • HAT 3: The figure out what to do and then have someone else do it hat.

I’m not sure it matters which hat you wear. You can achieve a certain level of success wearing each of these hats. And really, only you can choose how to run your life. Different strokes for different folks.

What matters is that you know which hat you are wearing. Because they all fit differently. And they lead to very different places.

If you aren’t clear about which hat is which, things get a little messy.

For example, if you’re going to wear Hat 1, then you are going to have a hard time charging the types of fees that someone wearing Hat 3 might charge.

If you’re wearing Hat 2 but charging like you’re wearing Hat 1, you’re going to be miserable.

And if you’re trying to wear Hat 3 but aren’t able to attract clients willing to pay for Hat 3 service, then you’re going to struggle.

Get clear on which hat you’re wearing right now and then which hat you’d like to be wearing long term.

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