When Truth Runneth Over… the Toilet

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 75 Degrees – 3:00 p.m.

I’m on a mission to be a better parent each and every day I get to wake up… Better today than yesterday.

And while my wife and I always encourage open communication with our children, there are certain questions I prefer hearing from them.

“Why are we here? That’s a good one that always sparks an interesting conversation.

“Why do people not say what they mean?” That’s another one that allows me to impart some of the stuff I’ve learned on this planet.

Today, I was asked one of the questions that is on the VERY bottom of my list.

“Dad, why is there a river of water running through the hallway in the basement?”

When THAT question is asked, there’s really only one lesson to be learned. And it’s never a lesson for them. It’s more often a lesson for me.

And so it goes.

After 14 towels and 16 rolls of paper towels, plus quite a few trash bags, then some disinfectant and a good old mopping with essential oils later, we’re BACK in business.

But not without learning a few things!

LESSON 1: When work is put in front of you by the universe, do it. Stay present with it. Find meaning in it. Dare I say “enjoy” it?

You can learn something from JUST about anything. Usually, you learn something about you!

I didn’t used to do this with clients, of course.

In fact, the minute I got paid, I’d start resisting actually doing the work.

It’s not because I was trying to get away with something. It’s because I never had the guts to charge the fee I wanted to charge!

LESSON 2: When you hear the toilet running downstairs for a few days, never, EVER ignore it. EVER!