When the Script Breaks

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 48 Degrees

We’re brainwashed from an early age to think the world runs on this script that someone else created. Grow up, do what you’re told, don’t make waves, get a job, buy more stuff than you need so you have to keep your job and be miserable in it like everyone else, have kids, pass the same brainwashing to them. Oh, and NEVER, EVER question the wizard behind the curtain who is playing you like a puppet. EVER.

Of course, as you can see by the events happening all over the world, more and more people are realizing the script they’ve been given is a piece of crap designed to control them.

So that’s the power of a script on a large level. But you’ve got one on a small level too… inside your business.

A lot of focus is placed on the script for certain parts of the business. But generally, most people are running the show with an incomplete script.

When the prospect says they’re interested, gets with you on the phone, and then disappears… that’s not a “problem,” it’s a sign that your script broke. You need to write that part or rewrite that part.

It’s like when the car runs off the cliff of the imaginary world because the artist forgot to draw the rest of the road!

Write the script so that doesn’t happen.

If your script requests a commitment of action from that prospect within a certain period of time following your phone call, then that prospect will either follow through with that commitment or not. If he follows through, great. If he does not (even when he said he would), then your script has just identified a prospect unworthy of your time, one who is disqualified from your system.

Despite what your brainwashing has told you, YOU are in charge here.

And there are opportunities all over your business to exercise strategic and creative control.

You are the artist. But no one can force you to paint. You have to pick up the brush and do it.

That ability has been there all along. Most people are brainwashed into never using it.