When Clients Boil My Blood

The Client Letter
June 5, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 64 degrees

Are these mistakes costing you
as much as they cost me?


I’ve had my share of clients that boiled my blood…

Now I have what is probably a unique gift in that I’m able to tolerate a lot of frustration and annoyance from the outside. Some people might call me an extremely patient person.

I’m patient… until I’m not.

In the old days, I’d get so fed up with a client that I’d lose it (on the inside) and do something stupid that would sabotage the relationship.

I’d allow the frustration to consume me and, rather than letting it go, I’d start making decisions filled with that emotion.

That’s a genius move if I’ve ever seen one 🙂

I’ve grown up a bit since then, and I’ve learned a few things. But I haven’t really changed much about this issue… except my understanding of it.

I don’t have to change it, I just have to be aware of it. That way, the next time anything that is bottled up comes to the surface, I can just watch it and then laugh at myself.

I don’t have to let it take me for a ride, because I understand that’s just how I’m wired to work.

It’s an extremely liberating feeling to stop viewing yourself as this “broken” piece of machinery you have to spend all of your waking hours trying to fix.

We’re all taught to focus on getting better… on being better…

It’s a bit of a wild goose chase really, based on a flawed premise: that we require some deep level of improvement.

You’re not broken. I’m not broken.

You are who you are. You are WHAT you are.

Yes, mastery of a skill might be an important goal for you, but don’t forget that the goal is the mastery of the skill. You’re not trying to make yourself inherently “better.”

And rather than working so hard to change how you are (which is really trying to become someone you’re not), how about you just accept it and get on with building and enjoying your life?

I think that’s a much smarter way to travel…

You’re here to enjoy the ride right?

So don’t be so hard on yourself. Accept yourself and then go out and start helping people.

You want to know how to build extreme confidence that your potential clients will be able to FEEL?

Be OK with yourself and live it.