What Do You Need?

The Client Letter
January 2, 2013
Sedona, Arizona
Partly Cloudy 33 Degrees

What do you need to have happen in your business to make this year way more successful than last year?

Think about that for a second… I’ll wait.


Got something in mind?

Really feel what that feels like to need that result. Dwell in that feeling for a moment.

Blow up that feeling as big and as strong as you possibly can.

Feel the need.

Now… understand this:

That feeling of need that you’re dwelling on right now is the exact OPPOSITE of what you should be feeling to get your desired result.

Need repels. It attracts nothing but need.

This is why all of the business success books tell you to think of a goal and then “act as if” you have already accomplished that goal.

They’re not asking you to play “make believe.” Or to fake your success.

The point is that you have to remove the need for what you want in order to attract what you want.

That’s why you visualize yourself already having it.

When you feel what it feels like to “have” the thing, your need for the thing disappears.

And by not needing the thing, you get the thing… and more.

As you make big plans for yourself this year, remember that you hold a great power to create the future you desire.

You can use that power to repel what you want. Or you can use that power to attract it.

You can repel your ideal clients, or you can attract them.

The decision is entirely yours.

Tomorrow night, I’m going to show you how to turn up your power of attraction using your website.

Time is running out if you want to join the party. Get the details here:
