What Are You About?

The Client Letter
April 17, 2013
The Northland
Cloudy 34 Degrees

In business, who exactly is your service’s U.S.P (unique selling proposition) FOR? Who gets the most value out of having it?

Most people might say that the U.S.P. is for the customer. Because it helps them understand why what you do is in some way better than the other choices they have.

I think YOU are the one that benefits most from figuring out what unique value you bring to the table. The biggest benefit is that this clarity makes your decision making much, MUCH easier.

Because now you have a quick test to use when faced with decisions.

“Does this opportunity jive with WHO I AM and what I bring to the world or not?”

I struggled with the whole “U.S.P.” thing for a long time.

First, I was all about self improvement clients. I wanted to narrow my focus on them and be an expert in that market.

Then I zoomed out and decided that I should focus on lead generation with clients. “That IS the beginning of everything in business…” I told myself.

Next, I realized that my experience allows me to know a LOT about a LOT when it comes to internet business. So for my clients, that perspective helps them make better decisions using my advice than if all I knew about was writing sales copy. That’s when I became the Internet Sales System Architect.

It’s all really funny to think about now. (Wasn’t funny then.) In the end, I think all I really accomplished was that I confused everyone… including myself.

Finally, I just gave up and figured out how to be Jason Leister.

Now THERE’S a U.S.P.

It’s not something built with a fancy slogan or a marketing book. It’s something real that people can GET on a deep level.

So what the hell does that mean?

I mean there’s substance there and depth there.

My U.S.P. isn’t just about WHAT I do, it’s about the way I see the world. Some people are attracted to that.

But how do you communicate this?

You don’t, in my opinion. Instead, you show it. D-E-M-O-N-S-T-R-A-T-I-O-N is the secret.

But you’ve got to get clear on that kernel of truth that you build on.

What are you about?

As it turns out, I’ve somehow developed the ability to answer this question for people.