Walking Around Like Diamonds Don’t Matter

The Desert of Arizona
Sun Rising 31 Degrees

RE: Walking around like diamonds don’t matter

Imagine with me for a second that you walk into a jewelers’ convention with a bag full of diamonds. But these jewelers aren’t typical. Because they’ve been brainwashed to forget that diamonds have any value whatsoever. To these guys and gals, they’re just rocks.

So there you are with your bag of diamonds. You decide to do a little juggling act. You start with three of the largest diamonds and give it a go. You add a fourth there for a moment, but then you lose focus and they all crash to the ground.

You start laughing, kick the diamonds that fell under the table and approach the jewelers to do a little presentation.

Oddly enough, you’re there to sell these folks your diamonds. “They’re extremely valuable so it shouldn’t be hard,” you tell yourself.

But do you think for a moment that, after that entrance of yours, any of those jewelers are going to bite? Of course not!

Let’s rewind and do that over. THIS time, when you enter the room, you walk around slowly–deliberately. You don’t actually LOOK at any of the jewelers because you’re entirely focused on the stainless steel briefcase you are holding–the one that’s handcuffed to your wrist.

You walk right up to the table where the jewelers are, you look them in the eye, and say something like, “What you’re about to see could very well transform the future of your success in the precious stone business.”

Throughout both of these scenarios, what’s the ONE thing that didn’t change?

It was the diamonds.

But in the first scenario, they were perceived as worthless garbage. In the second scenario, a rare and desired discovery.

My question is, “Which scenario is the one YOU use when marketing your services to potential clients?”

Are you walking in with the briefcase? Or are you the one juggling the diamonds.

If you want to be the one carrying the briefcase, but you’re not sure how you engineer things to SHOW UP like that, then this was designed for you.