Walk Into the Fire

The Client Letter
December 13, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 52 Degrees

I don’t fear fire, but I respect it.

Because fire can kill you. Or it can refine you. It can remove those parts of you that no longer serve you and transform you into something better… more powerful… more alive.

Walk through a “fire” and you might die. Or you might come out the other side looking like a completely different person. A better person.

Throughout our life, we often come face to face with opportunities to walk into the fire… We can choose to meet the fire, or we can choose to avoid it.

The “fire” I’m referring to represents challenge, fear, change, struggle-really any obstacle that stands in your path. The opportunity to face something we fear or struggle with and move through it, one step farther on our journey… that is what “walking into the fire” means.

In my experience, it can hurt like hell. But never once have I regretted my decision to “walk into the fire.” To face something I didn’t want to face. To willfully stare it in the face, move into it, move through it, move beyond it.

You walk through a fire to burn crap off. And to get better.

And in my opinion, it’s one strong move.

But it isn’t for everyone.

The Art of Clients Private Mentoring Program has just opened up again for business owners who are ready to “walk into the fire.”

On the surface, the Program is simple: phone calls and emails.

On a deeper level, the purpose of the Program is to answer this question:

What Is Holding You Back?

We might talk about “boots on the streets” tactics… or we might talk about the deeper stuff that’s going on in your head or in your heart.

This is the type of thing I LOVE to do. And I’m good at it.

If you’re ready to walk into the fire, here’s where the journey begins.