Using the Media Platform to Attract Investors

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 55 Degrees 5:30 a.m.

Years ago, I worked with a raw land investor. He had been in the business a LONG time, was a real expert, and was looking to expand his reach even more.

In a nutshell, he was helping connect investors from all over the world (U.S., China, etc.) with raw land positioned in the path of growth.

He wasn’t selling ebooks here… there were LOTS of zeros attached to these transactions.

So TRUST was the currency. And a lot of it had to be built to make things work.

I imagine it would sound cool to tell you we developed a marketing system using the latest and most advanced bells and whistles available and that it ran on autopilot with only a pet monkey managing the system.

Ha! I’m sure someone is willing to sell you a promise like that, but it’s not me. Plus, I’m not so interested in things that only work now and may or may not work next week.

That’s a rat race, and I’m in business to create the opposite of anything resembling a rat race.

If you have something that’s valuable that people want, then you simply need to build the system that communicates that, demonstrates it, and allows people to start walking towards you. Most importantly, you need to PROVE that you offer something they can’t get anywhere else in exactly the same way.

I worked with this investor to develop a media platform to attract new investors. It was a unique (nothing else existed like this) weekly email newsletter.

Once that was in place, we started buying traffic, building the subscription base and sending out great content. (Understand that you can’t BUY trust. Instead, you’re buying the opportunity to build trust.)

Over the years, I learned a lot about investing in raw land. And I also got to experience (again) the power of a media platform.

A common response to the idea of starting one of these is, “Well, I just don’t want to be locked into doing something like that.”

Ha! Exactly. That’s one of the reasons it’s such an effective method. Because most people are simply NOT willing to accept the responsibility and accountability for that type of execution.

There’s your opportunity.

This is why I offer my monthly premium service, the Field Report. The point is to show you what’s possible, by featuring people who are doing this. People who are attracting clients without being slimy. People who are charging premium fees because they’ve correctly positioned themselves in the marketplace. People who have developed the mindset of an Incomparable Expert.

I’m in the idea business, really. I spread ideas that empower, inspire, motivate and direct.

So if you like this Daily Journal, then the Field Report is the place you can go to the next level.