True Freedom

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 63 Degrees – 5:57 a.m.

Looking back, I have a lot of respect for the “troublemakers” that I knew in school. Despite the draconian system in which they lived everyday, their spirit simply wouldn’t submit. This is the type of person the system called a “problem.”

My spirit, on the other hand, was lining up for rewards from the masters. Whatever I had to do to get the star, I was going to do. I had to. Otherwise that dread that came with knowing I “displeased” authority would flare up. Eek!

So what happens to a perfect student like that when he gets out into life? What happens when he actually goes out on his own into the big, bad world of business?

Well, it would be about the same thing that would happen if he showed up to class on Monday knowing the capital of California is Sacramento only to find out that by Friday the capital was now San Diego. This might be enough to shatter his little world.

This is how real life and business work. There ARE no right answers. And the answers that are right today might not be right on Friday.

This is not something a well-trained sheep wants to hear. This does not provide the warm, safe and secure environment that the sheep requires.

Despite what most people say, it doesn’t seem like they actually WANT freedom. As a wise man once said, most people want freedom FROM freedom.

Freedom is one of the most challenging things we have to face.

It is uncomfortable. It is relentless.

When you face it, you realize you are immersed in the natural anxiety of life.

You’re not supposed to get rid of this anxiety. You’re not supposed to medicate it or sedate it or “talk to someone” who can help you through it by entertaining your mind. Instead of escape, you are supposed to CARRY THIS with you every step of the way.

This is LIFE you’re trying to get away from and there’s no way to do that unless you give up your freedom. Do you understand why so many people give it up? Because carrying this freedom with you is as scary as hell.

Why is this important in business?

Because if you’re truly searching for freedom, it’s a smart idea to prepare yourself for dealing with it. You have to grow enough to become a container for this feeling otherwise it will drive you crazy.

True freedom is an enormous responsibility.

If you’re working for freedom, THAT’S what you’re actually asking for. Is that really what you want?