The Wall of Silence

The Client Letter
July 23, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Party Cloudy 64 degrees

Did you ever think your prospect would tell you exactly what you need to know to “close the deal?” Believe it. This will teach you how to do it.

Maybe you submitted a proposal… Maybe you submitted project work…

You send the information, then you hear nothing.

I call it, The Wall of Silence.

We all meet this wall at one time or another. Most of us meet it many times.

If you’re being your small self, you imagine all manner of ghosts and goblins behind that wall.

Maybe they don’t like your work. Maybe the fee was too high. Maybe they have a thing against people who pull on their left pant leg first. Your mind is a powerful tool capable of building you up or tearing you down.

Which happens to you? It’s your choice actually.

But our training has conditioned us to think that the “Wall of Silence” matters. Our training has conditioned us to think that “being ignored” has meaning.

The only meaning it has is the meaning you give it.

For me, my train is moving on a schedule. I’m only on this train for a few years. And because I really get that — because I feel the impermanence of my situation here on earth, my train doesn’t slow for much.

It used to though. Oh, how it used to slow for anything and everything.

But now I greet the Wall of Silence for what it is. It is nothing.

The Wall of Silence is nothing but your fear looking back at you. And the best way to deal with it is to ignore it and move on.

You don’t want to slow your train down.