The Transformation From Teacher to Leader

The Desert of Arizona
A Few Clouds 68 Degrees

“They” say continuity programs, where members pay you a recurring fee, are a hard sell.

Well, “they” is a force responsible for a lot of lost opportunity. Because “they” seem to spread ideas that are just a wee bit removed from reality.

To be frank, most continuity programs have no business existing. That’s what makes it feel like you’re walking up hill every single month. Because you are trying to defy the laws of nature!

About two years ago, I started working with a business owner who provided all the proof required to show that “they” don’t know what they’re talking about.

His membership program isn’t a “backend” product, it’s his MAIN product. That’s where most of his members start and stay. And boy do they stay.

He keeps these members for years. Does he have some crafty “stick strategy” that keeps people in? Does he exert some sort of mind control over them? Ha! He just provides a good solution to a serious problem that requires an ongoing solution.

The most important part of this story is who this individual decided to become. During our work together, he’s initiated quite an internal and external transformation.

If I had to describe the transformation in words, I’d say he went from being a teacher to a leader.

I wrote an entire report about this leader’s business. I walk through how his attraction system works and give you examples of emails he sent BEFORE the transformation and emails he sends AFTER the transformation. It’s quite amazing, actually.

The issue is in the archives right now for subscribers of the Incomparable Expert Field Report. The subscription rate is literally within the reach of any barely serious business owner. But most people don’t subscribe. Why? Well, the most common response I get is that people don’t have time to read it. As Mr. Henry Ford always said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right!”

That was me for a long time. I said I wanted something but couldn’t seem to find the time to get about doing that something. We all have to grow in our own way.

So what’s the difference between a teacher and a leader?

Teachers provide knowledge that still requires the receiver to provide the movement forward.

Leaders provide a natural attractive energy that helps to provide a locomotive force to the receiver.

Leading propels forward progress in the people you lead. It’s a totally different feeling, different energy, and a different result. The consideration received in exchange for this value also tends to be VERY different than that extended to “teachers.”

Anyway, as this transformation was happening, he opened up enrollment for his main membership program.

He walked away adding $9,078 per month to his already healthy membership revenue in just 72 hours.

I know Napoleon Hill was onto something with his books, but clearly, Think and Grow Rich doesn’t work for everyone. “Lead and Grow Rich” is a different way to look at things. That makes it clear that it’s YOUR responsibility to offer value first. You have to go out there and be valuable in advance. Give them what they want and need… THEN you can enjoy the benefits of what returns to you.