The Special as a Snowflake Puzzle

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 77 Degrees – 10:20 a.m.

I’m in the middle of working out a lead generation campaign on Facebook for a client.

In the land of lead generation, “assumptions” are best left along the side of the road, untouched.

When you’re a copywriter, it’s not hard to find proof that the LONGER your sales piece is, the better it sells.

When you’re talking to the right potential buyers, telling them more tends to lead to more buying.

In lead generation, sometimes it’s the opposite. In fact, in most of my experience so far, it’s the opposite.

The less said, the higher the conversion.

Yesterday, I removed about 50% of the copy on a landing page I was testing.

Lead costs just about split in half.

I STARTED this campaign with a very short copy landing page… but that didn’t fly. Too much “mar-kuh-ting” for the target audience it seems.

Or maybe not. Who knows?

Lead generation is a one of a kind, “special as a snowflake” type of puzzle.

You certainly know if it’s working. But you might not know why. You just know it’s working… for now.

This is the game we play. If you keep in mind it IS a game, it helps you not to go crazy.

The next Lead Lab starts Tuesday. If you want some help “playing this game,” check it out.