The Simple Question For Every Day

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 32 Degrees

The night before last, my wife gave birth in our home to the baby she lost weeks ago.

It was graceful. It was powerful. It was a night I will never forget.

And as one chapter of life closes another chapter opens.

What is left in a situation like that?

What is left is what was there before. The opportunity to take each moment and treat it as a blessing or treat it as a curse.

One path leads to nothing, the other path leads to something.

The choice is always ours to make.

This opportunity is given to us in life as well as business.

Often times, in an effort to work with clients, or build things, or offer solutions to the world, we go through times where clarity is at a minimum.

When in doubt, helping people is the solution.

It’s always the solution. How best can I help someone… TODAY?

That IS what we do here. That is the goal. It is to make the world brighter tomorrow than it was today. And the better you get at that and the more effective your solutions become, the more it will feel like something is “happening.”

In those times it’s easy to forget where the initial seed of that “success” was planted.

That initial seed came from the darkness. And it came from the simple question:

How can I best help someone today?