The Secret I Learned From Two Millionaires

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

There’s a philosophy I learned about attraction years ago. I heard it first from one successful client, then I saw it demonstrated years later by another.

What happens in business when you start to give without asking for anything in return? When you start giving without want?

We can do that these days with technology with little to no trouble. (That’s what I’m up to everyday in the Client Letter, for example.)

But that idea can meet with some serious resistance in the mind.

In fact, maybe the ego part of you starts screaming. “How am I going to make money? How will I sell anything? How will I get paid what I’m worth?”

Wanting to get paid what you’re worth is an interesting thing to say. What does it mean, exactly? Have you thought about it?

Aren’t we service providers the ones who have to accept the fee for any particular project we work on? If so, how is it possible to not get paid what we want? If we don’t want it, we shouldn’t accept it, right? (If you’re anything like me, this will probably make your ego scream too 🙂

When I’ve said the “I’m not getting paid what I’m worth,” phrase, I didn’t realize at the time what a deep level of need that expresses.

You are basically saying, “I need these people over here to do this thing so that I can be OK.”

That’s basically the emotional situation from which I’d say this type of thing. But this is how you give your power away in one simple step.

Talk about closing yourself off from receiving. That’s a very effective way to do it.

When you invest energy and value out into the world without asking for anything in return, bizarre and magical things happen. All of that “giving” does come back to you… often multiplied. It might not come immediately, and it usually doesn’t even come from the place you originally gave, but it DOES come.

You just have to be ready to receive it.

We’re all getting paid what we’re worth right now. What if you accept that and appreciate that and be OK with that? That’s a completely different type of energy. That is a feeling that is attractive to others. And it’s one that will create positive ripples through everything you do.

Then the question becomes, “how do you keep increasing that value you provide to the world?”

One way to do that is to create a system (hint, your Platform!) where you can continue to “give without want” in a way that creates a tremendous amount of goodwill with the universe.

Don’t believe me, just try it.