The Search for Secrets of Success

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 69 Degrees – 7:52 a.m.

The big secret to success that I’ve discovered is that ending your search for secrets of success frees up a lot of time to actually do the work required for success.

What does success even mean?

Success means whatever you want it to mean. You define it. No one else can. And because of that, the first thing to wean yourself from is paying any attention at all to other people’s ideas of success.

You can waste every moment of your day doing this if you really want to.

So now that we’ve freed up a lot of time, what do you do next?

We’re working towards Incomparable Expert status here, remember?

So you have to be one of a kind (you are, but not enough people know it) and you have to be an expert (what’s the problem you solve for others?).

Next, you start solving problems for people (in leveraged ways like with email!) without demanding anything in return. I call this your media platform.

You build a system for doing this. It operates on a consistent and public basis. You PROMISE the world that you are going to deliver and then you deliver. It’s not complicated.

I know this isn’t exciting. But I’ve discovered that “exciting” isn’t such a fulfilling goal.

Being happy isn’t “exciting.” Being content isn’t “exciting.” Truly serving other people? Not so “exciting.”

Deeply rewarding. Deeply meaningful. Often times profound. But hardly “exciting.”

Making a lot of money? That might be “exciting” for like a MINUTE. And then you wake up the next day and realize the rest of your life still stretches out before you. What now?

We’ve been trained to chase exciting because it’s easier to manipulate people who are addicted to needing that hit.

The excitement you might get thinking about “client attraction” ends the moment AFTER you actually start doing it. It’s way more exciting to continue the search for secrets!

As you walk down this path, you’ll certainly discover real secrets along the way. But no secrets are required to begin. In fact, any secret you get from someone else really has little to do with you.