The Only Real Choice

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 57 Degrees

It seems odd that you could sum up all of life with a single choice.

But that’s exactly how it seems it’s playing out.

In any one moment of any day, we all have a single choice:

We can be ruled by fear or we can be ruled by love.

Now you might think that for a business letter, this is extremely mushy stuff. I humbly submit that you would be wrong.

Because while a discussion like this is something you’d certainly hear around the town where I live, it’s extremely practical for business people as well.

(We’re ALL people, by the way, so this should hardly come as a surprise.)

Most of the messes we create with clients are because, at some moment, we chose to act based on fear.

We choose to ignore our intuition for fear of making the client angry.

We choose to skip our kid’s birthday party for fear of losing the client by not being on the conference call.

We choose to keep our mouth shut at the meeting for fear of being seen as someone who isn’t a team player.

We choose to lower our fee for fear of losing the business.

We choose not to mention the scope creep for fear of “rocking the boat.”

The list is infinite.

So what’s the solution? I’ll give it to you right now. It only took me 30 odd years to uncover it.

But if you put this into practice, this one thing… it will do more to create transformation on every level of your life and business than just about anything else. You will simply be amazed as time passes.

The solution is to simply be OK right now.

This is how you hop on the path of not wanting anything (extremely attractive).

This is how you hop on the path of not needing anyone (also extremely attractive).

When you get in the habit of being OK now, there’s a funny thing that happens to fear. It can’t live if you’re OK with what is. It doesn’t get fed with your energy. It can’t force you into making stupid decisions. After a while, fear pretty much finds you a bore… so it moves on. Eventually, it will find someone else to control.

If you’ve never tried it, this “being OK now” approach might sound like a big cop out. Like you’re just giving up. Like you’re just opting out of life.

My experience is the opposite. In fact, I can’t think of a state where you are more actively involved in true LIVING than this.

Try it.

Think about the next client interaction you have. Try to catch yourself. Fear or love, that’s the choice.

You might be surprised at just how much fear runs you.