The One Time a Client Attraction Process Can’t Be Improved

The Desert of Arizona
Snow 33 Degrees

So what’s the one case where a client attraction process cannot be improved?

The only case I can think of is when you don’t actually have a client attraction process. Hard to improve that.

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

It doesn’t have to be 30 steps.

You can start with a SIMPLE first step: create a media platform.

Create a device that nurtures trust, keeps attention and builds credibility.

You do this with content. Don’t you see all of the buzz about “content marketing” lately? It’s funny to me because it’s hardly new. While all of the silver bullet folks went looking for faster routes to the goal for a few years, they are slowly coming back to the only thing that actually works over the long term:

Becoming valuable to your prospective clients and customers in advance.

You can do this even if you are clueless about what might come next.

You can do this even if you’re clueless about how exactly to position your platform.

You can always improve the focus over time. But you have to start. Place the foundational brick into the ground and build from there as you are able.

The DIY Platform Lab starts tomorrow. If you’ve already enrolled, look for an email with the first module sometime tomorrow afternoon. I’ll close down enrollment tomorrow before I send out the email, so this is your last chance. If you have no idea what this is about, details are here.