The Most Important System in Your Business

The Client Letter
August 10, 2011
Sedona Arizona

Leads… without a steady supply of QUALIFIED leads, growing your service business is going to be very tough.

My hunch is that’s why so many independent professionals have trouble growing their business up to six-figures and beyond.

It’s because they’re dealing with a trickle of leads.

With a lead volume that low, the focus shifts from sifting and sorting, to SELLING. The focus is on SELLING your services to the leads that come through your front door.

You have to, or you don’t eat.

But here’s the problem with selling…

Your prospects don’t want to be sold.

If your business success depends on SELLING the leads you generate, your success will be limited. And the going will be more difficult than it should.

But sit back a moment and imagine your lead flow growing to 10, 20, 30 or more leads PER WEEK.

NOW who’s in control?

When your lead volume grows so that there’s more interest in your services than you could possibly fill… YOU are in the driver’s seat.

And that’s EXACTLY where you want to be.

So HOW do you generate a steady supply of leads?

There’s not just one answer. There are many answers.

Some independent professionals head straight for AdWords to generate leads.

After all, there aren’t many other ways that you can have traffic flowing to your new site in about 10 minutes.

Here’s the problem with AdWords…

The bar of entry is SUPER low. All you need is a heartbeat and a credit card to get on there.

Another option is to sit around all day posting on your blog, hoping that people come to your site.

Once you do that, you realize that you have no traffic. And if no one is reading, there’s no chance that anyone is buying.

I prefer to look at what everyone else is doing and do something else.

For instance, I prefer a laser targeted approach through the mail.

Pick target clients and start sending them things. Things that show them you know what you’re doing so you don’t have to tell them. Show don’t tell.

WARNING: This is work. This will cost you money. This is called investing in your business. It is worth it. You are worth it.

Creating a lead generation system that WORKS is what’s standing between you and whatever success you want to create.

But most people simply don’t do it on a consistent basis.

When’s the last time you worked on your lead generation system? Do you even have a system for generating leads?

A SYSTEM doesn’t mean you just sit around and hope that the phone rings.

A SYSTEM is a creation of yours where you put something in and get something out. That something that comes “out” should be measured, so you know if your system is working.

The best time to start building your system for generating leads was 2 years ago, the second best time is today.

What are you going to do about it today?