The Machine That Weaves Time

Mountains of Arizona
It’s Finally Fall 56 Degrees
7:21 a.m.

I walked around for years with this yearning feeling in my gut…I was just waiting until the day I found the thing that would make my business and life work.

If I had to describe this feeling, I’d call it want/need and/or a rather strong dissatisfaction with the NOW.

My hunch is that you might have experienced this feeling at some point in your life.

I thought I’d find my answer in a book, or from a guru, or product, or course… something.

Never thought I’d find the answer in me!

Now back then, despite my “education” and all of the accolades I earned in the brainwashing camps of the schooling system, I had zero understanding of how reality works, how the hologram is manipulated, how I played an integral role in its ongoing creation.

And so I walked about with this strong vibrational broadcast of “hoping I figure things out soon so I can FINALLY get on with life…”

I was in one spot, and everything I wanted and needed was somewhere else. And I had to find out where that was! It was kind of a gnawing feeling that never went away. Never enough.

I think this is a very common feeling for people who are pursuing some sort of enterprise.

But just imagine, for a moment, that there’s this big machine that’s basically WEAVING time into existence like a big never ending piece of fabric.

Guess how the specific patterns and designs get imprinted onto that “fabric” of time?

It comes from your intention and the energy you broadcast. YOU provide that part of the fabric.

I know we’ve all been led to believe we don’t have this power. And if you think about it, what better way to make humanity completely impotent than to concoct all manner of stories about supreme beings who judge you according to some arbitrary set of rules you never agreed to?

You’re never enough and you never will be.

What better way to train people, from the earliest ages, to always look outside of yourself to make sure you’re “doing it right?”

If you’re a co-creator of reality like I’m suggesting, this “belief” literally comes to pass. Get it?

You build your own prison. And then you live in it struggling to find the key.

You ARE the key.

It’s genius really. And completely evil the way it’s set up to control you.

So back to this energetic broadcast and what to do about it:

First, you integrate charged emotion that’s stuck in your being.

Then you work on developing the ability to go through life staying at, or close to, what you might call the zero point.

When you stop feeling things as good, bad, forwards or backwards, up or down, you know you’re making progress.

This is not being DEVOID of emotion, mind you, this is removing resistance to emotion.

Emotion… energy in motion. To the extent you can allow it to pass through you and remain in the neutral, you have control over your reality.

When you develop the discipline to manage and control your energetic broadcast, you basically become the artist painting your own life.

You can paint a prison or you can paint a paradise. It’s up to you.