The Invisible River of Energy

The Client Letter
December 12, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 57 Degrees

In today’s world, we’re pretty focused on DOING things. Lots of action.

In the business world, we’re even more focused on doing. Almost to the point where that’s all we do. Do, do, do. It’s no wonder there are so many exhausted entrepreneurs.

Action is how you get things done. Action takers rule the world. Right? That’s what we’ve all been taught.

Unfortunately, that action doesn’t always get you what you want. Sometimes, all the action in the world does little more than to bring a lot of what you don’t want.

There’s nothing worse than having a marketing effort of yours actually generate clients… only to find out that those new folks are the worst clients in the world!

Why does this happen? More importantly, how can you make it stop?

Most people think it’s the doing that controls everything. They have little awareness or understanding of the deeper levels of how the world works.

Without that understanding, the only choice you really have is to keep doing.

But there’s an entire world that exists UNDER the level of the doing. It’s invisible to most people, but it’s extremely powerful.

Think of it like an invisible river that’s flowing under everything we do.

This is a river of energy.

You can ignore this river for your entire life. Plenty of people have. But even though you can ignore it, you can never escape from its effects.

This is the river that governs what does and does not come into your life.

If you want to shift something in your external world, in your business, for example, changing what you DO isn’t enough. It might create short term results, but eventually, you’ll undo them.

The change needs to be made at a deeper level. It needs to be made at the level that CAUSES other things in the world to happen.

When you’re attracting clients, this is the level where the work happens. You make changes on the INSIDE and those ripple out through your actions to create the world on the outside. You still have to take action, but it’s action that works FOR you instead of against you.

In this month’s issue of The Rainmaker Letter, I walk through this entire process. The focus is on dissecting the attraction process into its different steps.

Here’s a question to think about.

If you’ve ever watched the movie, The Secret, then you know the premise is that you get what you think about. In other words, like attracts like.

But haven’t we all been told that “opposites attract?”

Which one is true?

What if you found out that BOTH are true at the very same time?

How can that possibly be? The answer is in this month’s Rainmaker Letter. It’s available for immediate download here. Plus you get access to all of the back issues.

Knowing how the attraction process works helps you make smarter decisions about where to put your energy and focus.