The Incomparable Expert

The Client Letter
December 21, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 32 Degrees

If you’re reading this, then the world hasn’t ended… yet.

So let’s start with a question:

Just how unique are you and what you do for your clients?

Would you venture to say there’s no one in the world that can deliver your service like you can?

Are you sure?

The biggest hurdle to overcome in the service business is differentiating yourself from the herd of other service providers who do the very same things you do.

From your prospect’s perspective, it looks like all of you do the same thing. From your prospect’s perspective, they’re drowning in a sea of sameness.

And that’s a killer, unless you change it.

This is even more important since the interwebz came around. Now your prospects aren’t just able to compare you with other service providers in your town, now they’ve got the whole world as their shopping mall.

So what’s a poor service provider to do?

You must become incomparable.

You must differentiate yourself to the point where it is impossible for your prospect to compare you to your competition.

When that happens, you make the competition irrelevant. They disappear.

The purchase decision becomes less about buying your service and more about buying you.

Once you refocus the buying decision on that, you are free.

You’re free to work on your terms.

You’re free to charge as you wish.

Because any prospects that show up at your doorstep are coming for YOU, not just for what you do.

There aren’t many things I do at a world class level, but positioning professionals is one of those things.

So let me introduce you to something brand new…