The Importance of the Next Step

The Client Letter
The Importance of the NEXT Step
October 7, 2011
Sedona, Arizona

Don’t you hate it when you send a proposal to a client and they disappear? Or when they say, “I’ll get back to you.” and then they don’t?

Today’s issue will give you a very simple tool to make sure this kind of thing never happens to you.

In a nutshell, all you have to do is…

Never Forget the Importance of the NEXT Step

That means in every client interaction you have, you make sure that everyone understands what’s happening next, who’s doing it and by when.

That way, you minimize the risk of having to chase someone down to do something. That never works. And if it does, it can really damage your positioning.

Basically, you get a small commitment from your client and/or prospect and have them agree that X is going to happen on a particular date and time.

For example, let’s say you submit a proposal for a new client project. Most people will just send the proposal and then start calling a few days later when their client goes silent.

That’s a losing proposition if you ask me.

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Next time you submit a proposal, say something like:

“Mr. Client. I’m going to be sending you this proposal on Tuesday. I want to make sure you have enough time to review it properly before I answer any questions you have. Would 2 or 3 days be enough time for you? If so, what is a convenient time on Friday that I can contact you to make sure your questions get answered?”

That’s simple enough isn’t it? Well that’s all you have to do.

NOW, you’re not going to have to chase anyone to get a response about your proposal. If you call on the pre-agreed date and your client isn’t available, then you have a real situation that you can discuss.

Then, you have a reason to contact him and say, “Look, I’m a bit puzzled. We agreed to speak on Friday, but when I called, your secretary said you were on another appointment. I’m not sure what that means exactly, but I want to make sure that this project is something you’re serious about before we go any further.”

That’s not chasing. That’s simply calling someone on a broken commitment.

How the client responds will tell you everything you need to know about whether or not you want to move forward.

Think about putting a sign above wherever you make your phone calls that says…

Don’t Hang Up Before You Get the Next Step!

It’ll save you a lot of worry, frustration and lost time.

See you Monday,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals