The Flower and the Bee

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 76 Degrees – 12:31 p.m.

Despite all the excitement about the world of pseudo-social media, I don’t think you’re going to find me making videos of myself and posting them all around the social networks to get more “engagement” or anything along those lines.

No fancy software that auto posts my mug all over the place.

No 1,200 breaks per day in my concentration to catch-up on the urgent but unimportant topics being put in front of people to divide them from each other.

I could do all that, but I don’t. Why? Because that’s not what I do.

What I do is write. Therefore, I only tend to attract the people who want to read.

I want people who read, because I spend my time writing.

“Who’s going to read all that?”

The people who belong in my universe. Everyone else will be bored, overwhelmed, angered, offended, or otherwise repelled to go somewhere else.

“But Jason, you’re leaving so much money on the table!”

Ha, that’s funny. You’ve got it right. And that’s the point. Because for me, leaving money on the table is the smartest thing to do.

The media platform model is pretty much backwards and/or upside down or inside out or however you want to describe it.

It’s not the path of the chameleon where you show up however you have to show up to get attention, to be liked, accepted and given money.

This is the path of self-discovery where you consistently demonstrate YOU to far more people than you could ever serve one on one. This attracts the people with whom YOU resonate.

If you want to be Incomparable, then that means you have to be Incomparable. And a great place to start is to plant a stake in the ground and let people know, “I will be here doing THIS.”

You don’t go chasing. You don’t have to.

Instead, you focus on becoming a VERY bright light to those who are already wired to want what you offer.

If you’ve been sitting around wondering what makes you “unique…” I have some bad news for you.

Not knowing is NOT the problem, SEARCHING for the answer is the problem.

You don’t even have to answer that question. You simply have to demonstrate the answer that you are.

You are already unique. You are already offering to the marketplace SOMETHING that cannot be found anywhere else.

You don’t have to wait until you can articulate that clearly to begin. You BEGIN demonstrating yourself through your media platform so that you can eventually articulate the answer with clarity.

The system would have you spend your life chasing after everything you don’t have… after everything you want to “become.”

The ancient masters would have you be the flower that opens to attract the bee.

The flower never had to be something it was not. It had everything it required from the beginning.