The Equal Opportunity Human

The Client Letter
August 1, 2013
Sunny 70 Degrees

Isn’t it funny how easy it is to make just about every minute you have available for your business or clients?

Some people would call that being a “workaholic,” others would call that being “dedicated” or “focused.” It really just depends on the story you want to tell yourself.

But that doesn’t change the facts about how much time you do or do not work.

I’ve started a new experiment since returning to Arizona and, even though it’s still early, want to report some results to you.

The title of the experiment is this:

“Jason Stops Ignoring the Other Three Quarters of His Being”

The four quarters of my being, in my opinion, are these:

1. Mind
2. Body
3. Soul
4. Life

My mind gets a lot of exercise already on a daily basis.

My body now gets an equal amount of exercise.

My soul now gets daily attention (mainly in the form of quiet space where I’m not “doing” something.)

My life (which I define as the balance between work, family and play) is now a PIECE of the pie. I’m mainly focused on cutting WORK down to size.

So what happens to an individual when he chooses to stop ignoring the majority of his being and give attention to the individual parts of the whole?

It’s only been a short time, but the transformation is already astounding.

More energy…

More clarity…

Better ideas…

More productivity…

More focus…

More power…


It’s clear that there’s an epidemic in this country of people who’ve forgotten they’re here to enjoy life.

I consider myself a recovering case.

Instead, we’ve bought into the lie we have to “do” stuff before we can stop acting like machines and start acting like humans.

It doesn’t even seem to matter if you work for someone else or you work for yourself. You can be a rat just about anywhere.

The world has enough rats, I don’t want to add to their numbers.

You want to make big improvements in your business?

Then refuse to ignore all the parts of your being.

Start your own experiment today.

Become an equal opportunity human and give yourself some attention in the areas you KNOW you’ve been ignoring.

When something doesn’t fit in due to your new priorities, the operative word to use is, “No, I can’t do that.”

It’s time to make yourself available for YOU.

My bet is that the results will amaze you.

If you need some “back-up” to help you start saying NO a little more in your work life, then this might help.