The Cure For “Giving Away the Farm-itis”

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 68 Degrees

Should you give things away for free to attract clients?

The answer depends on two things:

  • The answer depends on who you talk to.
  • The answer depends on your strategic objectives.

Since this is the CLIENT Letter, I’m assuming the strategic objective is more and better clients. So let’s run with that.

Here’s something to remember:

“Free” doesn’t sell. It does not really increase attraction all by itself.

Demonstration sells. Demonstration, done well and in a strategic manner, CAN increase attraction towards you.

There’s a big difference even though, in both instances, SOMETHING is usually being given away for free.

Free is often flavored by the energy that the service provider is trying to tell you how much he/she knows.

Demonstration is usually flavored by a different energy. Demonstration carries the energy of “let me SHOW you what you get because of what I do…”

Understanding the difference between these two scenarios is the solution to stop you from ever again “giving away the farm” without an equal exchange of something (i.e. money).

The important mind shift to make is to stop thinking free vs. paid.

Instead of free, think “opportunity for demonstration.”

You can’t just plop a big ebook in someone’s lap in 2015 and expect they are going to beat down your door trying to hire you.

I have a simple guideline that works pretty well:

I demonstrate, without compensation, in one-to-many communications.

That’s why I have no trouble writing the Client Letter.

That’s why I have no trouble offering monthly Hotseats.

That’s why I have no trouble publishing the Incomparable Expert podcast.

One-to-many. There’s leverage there. I’m making an investment in YOU and I’m making an investment in my future. Everyone wins.

So the trick is to design these opportunities for demonstration on purpose. That way, you never get caught off guard giving things away for “free” unless you make a deliberate choice to do that. When that issue comes up, you simply offer one of the structured demonstration opportunities in your system.

If you have trouble saying, “No,” this could save your sanity 🙂

The question to ask when you are working on this part of the business is:

Does this increase the attraction towards me or does it decrease the attraction towards me?