The “Client’s In the Bag” Mistake

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 48 Degrees

There was a huge part of this client game that I screwed up for a very long time. As it turns out, it was a part far more valuable than attracting a client.

What I’m talking about is what you do with the folks who actually become clients.

In the old days (which I’ll refer to as B.P. or, before the platform), once I got a client, I spent most of my time doing the work.

Most all of my marketing attempts were focused on client attraction. And that meant that those things weren’t really appropriate for current or past clients. It would be a total disconnect for them to receive something like that.

This was an enormous mistake.

Do you know why? Well, you’d know why if you viewed the Client Management Mistakes training that you have access to as a Client Letter subscriber (your login info is below this letter). Here’s what you discover in that training:

Client Attraction Never Stops, Especially After You Get the Client!

Most service providers, when they get a client, come down with a case of “two-faced syndrome.”

That means their marketing hat goes OFF and their client pleasing hat goes ON.

This is why it’s only a matter of time before this client relationship starts to change in a big way. The golden halo around your head at the beginning of the relationship starts to fade.

Now some of this will happen anyway. It’s just human nature. Remember that new thing you bought not long ago that ends up sitting in a pile of junk months or years later? What happened?

Human nature happened. We do not value what is easily accessible. Period.

Good luck if you try to change that. I’ve found it’s just easier to expect it.

Client attraction extends through the entire prospect and client relationship.

And the good old media platform comes to the rescue again.

Everyone in your universe receives your media platform when you publish it. That’s because you’re not overtly SELLING in it. That way, it can add value to the lives of your prospective clients as well as your current clients.

If you know that you suffer from a case of “two-faced syndrome” and become a different person when you actually attract the client, go through that training and change that.

Just because the “client’s in the bag,” doesn’t mean you stop caring and adding value to that relationship.

And the platform is an excellent way to do that.

Remember, client attraction never ends…