The Center of the Universe

The Client Letter
July 11, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Cloudy 82 degrees

Want some of my best advice for growing your service business? You’ll find it here.

The winds of change are a blowin’… But aren’t they always?

I bet “the winds of change” aren’t really that strong. They just seem strong when you aren’t expecting them to blow through your world.

That’s what today’s issue is about. Expecting things.

When you’re working with clients, it’s easy to let things get a little bass ackwards. Instead of captaining your ship, sometimes you feel like you’re being pulled along by your client’s tug boat.

It’s an illusion of course. You’re in the driver’s seat… even on the days when you forget you’re driving.

So let me ask a simple question…

In the client business, who’s the center of your universe?

If our clients were in the room, we might be inclined to say that they are in fact the center. That would sound nice wouldn’t it? Of course it’s a lie.

I’m of the firm belief that we’re in business to serve ourselves. We’re humans. It’s what comes naturally.

We want things in life. And, funny enough, the quickest way to get those things is to help other people get the things they want first.

Everyone is “selfish” and everyone “wins.”

So just like the sun doesn’t revolve around earth, neither does your world revolve around your clients.

If you forget that, you run the risk of waking up one day and having your world crash down around you when your client looks at you the wrong way.

Your clients don’t care about you past the point where your presence serves their interests.

That idea isn’t the problem really. The problem is when we forget it.

You are the center of your universe, not your clients. You don’t revolve around them, they revolve around you.

Remembering this affects the decisions you make. When you think your life revolves around your clients, you make decisions that aren’t in your best interest.

You make decisions that put you at a disadvantage. You end up treating yourself worse than you would ever think to treat your enemy.

It’s funny how we are wired isn’t it?

Be the center of your universe. It’s a much more liberating and fulfilling way to live. Plus, nobody else wants the job.