The Car Lot “Advisor”

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 34 (Really?) Degrees

There’s a big difference between attracting and selling. You probably understand this. Understanding is one step. But living the difference is another matter.

This attraction stuff isn’t for everyone, mind you.

It takes patience, work, a service mindset and a spine.

There are a lot of differences between attraction and selling, but the biggest one has to do with how the decision to buy, sign-up, enroll, move forward is reached.

Selling is when you show-up with the conclusion and get the other person to accept it.

Attraction is when you create an environment where a prospective clients comes to their own conclusion.

I know which path I choose, but frankly, I don’t care which path you choose. The important thing, however, is to be clear and choose ONE. Mixing them gets really wonky.

Would you trust a car salesman who called himself an “Advisor?” Not likely!

Attract or “sell.” Pick one and go all in.

Provide a clear path for people. Because confused people tend to do nothing.