The 4 Second Solution to Eradicating “Neediness”

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 62 Degrees

Neediness repels great clients more quickly than anything I can think of.

Sometimes we do actually NEED clients though. But it’s in those moments that figuring out how to turn off the signal that’s broadcasting that feeling of need leads to a major advantage.

Neediness works against you. You probably know that.

So how do you get rid of that feeling even when you need clients?

Positive thinking helps… if you’re a robot 🙂 Otherwise, in my experience, it’s a weak band-aid at best.

Need exists at a level much deeper than thought. So we have to displace it with something else.

I’ve only ever found one thing that does it. It does it consistently. It does it without fail. It always works!

It’s a simple technique. And it even works on fear.

It seems it’s impossible to harbor any feeling of need or fear if your mind and body are filled with a sense of gratitude.

If you think this if fluffy talk, you obviously have never tried this in the real world of business.

Want to make a sale?

Then go in filled with gratitude for the opportunity to possibly help someone.

Want to raise your fees?

Then create your next proposal filled with gratitude for being able to make a living doing something you enjoy.

Want to become THE authority in your marketplace?

Then do your work filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve a large number of people experiencing problems YOU can solve.

You can’t be filled with gratitude and still have room for the negative stuff.

Those two frequencies cannot exist in the same space.

Which frequency do you think leads to a brighter future?