Telling Your Story

The Client Letter
July 10, 2013
South of the Northland
Cloudy 72 Degrees

I was doing a Skype conference Monday with a “Service Websites That Sell” client, and was asking him a bunch of questions his business and his goals.

Doing what I do, I get the privilege to deal with excellent people all over the world.

And without exception, everyone I’ve ever had the opportunity to speak with has so much to offer the world.

The point of your website is to communicate all of this to your clients.

If you don’t communicate it, they will have no idea. You’ll just sit there wondering why no one knows that you do “X.”

I’ve done that.

I’ve worked with clients for far longer than I’ll admit where they STILL had no idea what I could really do.

I’d mention it at some point and they’d say, “Oh, I had no idea you could do that!”


Your website is one of the most useful parts of your business because it allows you to deliver information about you and what you do in a very strategic and deliberate way.

You don’t leave things to chance. That’s why it takes so much thought!

Is your website telling the story your clients should hear about you and the value you offer?

Or is your website leading them to a place where that story IS told?

If not, that’s what Service Websites That Sell was created to fix.

But even if that’s not a good fit for you, ask yourself, “Am I telling the story that needs to be told on my website? What do I want my prospects to know? What MUST they know?”

You start with understanding the people you are trying to help on an emotional level FIRST. Then you work backwards towards your website so that you can build it in the way that’s best for your clients.

This is hard thinking work. But it’s extremely important. So if you find this thinking process difficult, that’s a clue that you’re on the right track!

P.S. The link with information about Service Websites That Sell is here:

NOTE: I can’t accept too many of these at once since they’re very high “touch” services. So if you’re interested, make your reservation now.