Taming the Worrywart Inside

The Client Letter
December 3, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees

I think back to how much energy I’ve put into worrying about things over the years, and it’s pretty sad.

Sure I have my share of challenges. Some are big, some are small. But all in all, considering that simply eating is a challenge for billions of people in the world, I don’t have a lot to complain about.

My mind obviously doesn’t agree. Because it’s focusing all the time on all of the things in my life that are going “wrong.”

But just because you know this doesn’t mean you can do anything about it… or that you will do anything about it.

Getting your mind working for you instead of against you is no small feat, in my experience.

So here’s a simple exercise to try:

The next time you start to worry about something: money, a client deadline, an annoyed client, an unexpected emergency, instead of getting caught in the worry movie, watch it.

In other words, be the observer of the worry, not IN the worry.

This does two things. First, it shows you that YOU are not the worry. The worry is happening over there, where you can see it.

Second, you start to develop a detachment from things like this. You see them, you know they are there, but they don’t freak you out and paralyze you from taking action.

Another way to deal with worry (fear) is to understand that you don’t need anything from anyone to be OK. How to Get Kick-As* Clients can help you do that.

Life is too short to worry. But we’ve all been trained to do it… almost all the time.

Make the decision to see worry for what it is… energy.

Isn’t there a better use for your energy than that?