Square Pegs and Round Holes

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 58 Degrees

In the business of selling, about 80% of the game is just finding the people that already want what you have.

They need to have a problem you solve.
They need to want a solution to that problem in this lifetime and not the next.
They need to have the resources to pay for a solution.
They need to want YOU to be the one to solve it.

Once these four things are in place, “marketing” and “selling” take a back seat to the force of nature. Sales just happen. It’s easy.

You might even begin to think you know something about how this game works!

But the real secret was simply the “magic ingredient” that makes the sales recipe work: finding the right people.

If you’re struggling with something in your business, is it really a problem or is it simply a SYMPTOM of the problem of not being in front of the right people?

I think we work way too hard to jam our square pegs into round holes instead of just figuring out where the square pegs hang out.

The square pegs are having a party somewhere, all you have to do is find the address and show up.