Showing Up D.O.A.

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

I don’t mean dead on arrival when I say “DOA,” I mean differentiated on arrival.

Wouldn’t that be cool if you could communicate what makes you different before you ever meet a prospective client?

That’s what a Platform does. It sends out your “USP” in advance… sometimes years in advance.

The funniest part in all of this is that a Platform can communicate what makes you different even if you don’t have a clue what that is!

Over time, you’ll figure it out. But it’s not required to get started.

I think a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is fairly useless if all you can do is talk about it. You have to figure out a way to demonstrate it so you don’t have to say it. That’s what gets the message through.

To be clear:

Stop saying it (no one is listening), start showing it, over and over again.

That’s what the Platform is about. It’s not about telling, it’s about showing.

It’s almost like sending out a care package to your prospective clients that goes into detail about what makes you different and more valuable than all their other choices.

Except it does it in a way where your prospective client actually feels like you added value to their world. They feel that way because that’s what you did.

By the time you show up for real (i.e. for a project, or even just a phone call), the client-to-be knows you are different. And they have a good understanding WHY you are different.

I imagine there are other ways to accomplish this goal, but I don’t know what those are.

The next session of the Platform Lab starts tomorrow. At that point, the fee goes from $197 to $297 for anyone who enrolls late.

I don’t know when I’m doing another one, so register now if you’re interested.