Short vs. Direct

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 50 Degrees

You’d think that by now, humans would realize that “getting to a destination” just isn’t as rewarding as you think it will be BEFORE you get there.

Apparently, we’ve got some more growing to do… me included.

Every big accomplishment I’ve ever had quickly fades into the past. I should write myself a reminder because it’s extremely easy to forget this when you go into “super pursuit mode” and try to achieve something.

The Platform approach to client attraction is not the shortest route, but I’m confident it’s the most direct route.

I think one of the biggest benefits of this approach is that you realize, from the very beginning, that it’s never going to end. You are going to publish your newsletter or podcast or whatever, forever… or until you get out of the business. There’s no “destination” you’re trying to get to, you’re just doing the work.

That really creates an entirely different frame for the journey. Just like with clients, the setting of expectations is key. It’s especially true when those expectations are your own.

When you commit to the idea that your “Platform” is never going to stop, there’s really much less of a rush to “get there.” Heck, there’s nowhere to go!

I like that. It feels better. And I’ve proven to myself that wanting to “get there” just isn’t a productive use of energy.

I’m opening up another session of the Platform Lab starting March 17. There are 30 spots and enrollment is $197 for the entire series of 4 sessions. If you don’t have a Platform yet, this is a way to get off the ground quickly. Get the details here.