She Got 1.7 Million Video Views on Facebook

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 92 Degrees

The new issue of the Field Report dropped today… in it, I talk about a 12 year old Incomparable Expert who is doing some amazing stuff in the beauty market.

One of the things that happened recently is that a video she created about her work got viewed about 1.7 MILLION times on Facebook. This happened in a matter of weeks.

1.7 million views is an enormous number. Plus she got about 25K likes, 19K shares and close to 2K comments.

In the letter I go into explaining how “exposure” like this DOES pay and why. If you’re a direct response junkie, consider this a polite reminder that it’s time to broaden your way of thinking.

For now, the question on the table is, how do you do something like this?

How do you create something that gets your message spread like this?

In a day and age where everyone wants to “hack” everything, I’m afraid the answer might be a bit underwhelming.

The answer is that you get this kind of response when you are doing something truly remarkable, as she is.

Remarkable… worthy of remark.

Most of us were trained to take what we have and figure out a way to “hack” the system to create results that are way out of proportion to the value of what we do.

That used to work pretty well. Sometimes it still does. But things are changing.

Now everyone has the tools. Now most everyone can get the information. And with the barrier to entry so low, there are LOTS of people shouting trying to get attention.

What that means is that, at the end of the day, the ONLY two things left are:


We’ve come full circle.

So are you taking your talent and doing something remarkable with it?

If you are, people tend to respond. So if you’re not getting the response you want, how could what you’re offering be reconfigured?

The fact is there’s no shortage of people with problems that need solving. And that’s what experts do… we solve problems.

But the package has to make sense for the marketplace to reach out and want to grab it.

Do you have the right packaging around what you do?

Put that question out there to the universe and see what comes up.