Selling the Unbelievable

Mountains of Arizona
Cloudy 61 Degrees
2:57 p.m.

Millions of people want to buy a silver bullet solution to their problem. But when you actually HAVE a silver bullet solution, you realize there is a huge difference between what people say and what they actually do.

What happens if you’re selling something that provides a result so far outside the realm of possibility of your buyer that they simply don’t believe it?

What happens if you’re trying to sell an iPhone to a buyer who doesn’t believe that cell phones are anything but a fantasy?

It might work to communicate all of the great things about your product, to list the benefits, the problems solved, the pain removed, the value delivered.

But in my experience, that often creates even more objections to the believability of your result. Your prospect uses those items to rationalize to themselves why your promise is not believable:

“There’s no way you could do it that way. It’s not going to work that way, I’ve tried it. My brother’s uncle’s janitor’s twin sister tried that and it didn’t work. That’s impossible.”

Sometimes, it pays to move your product to the background of your promotion and simply focus on the life of your prospect before what you have and AFTER what you have.

The attraction is built to the life AFTER without the prospect always knowing or understanding the exact mechanism that transforms the before into the after.

When they KNOW they want the life AFTER and they KNOW they trust in YOU, then introducing the details of your product at that stage produces a much different situation.

At that point, telling you they don’t believe you would create more cognitive dissonance in their mind than they’re willing to entertain.

Selling to humans is a crazy business. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. There’s only the right way for YOU to do it for YOUR prospects at the time you’re trying to do it.

It’s a puzzle that can sometimes take quite a bit of work to figure out…