Selling Paper for Mucho Dinero

The Client Letter
January 14, 2013
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 14 Degrees

Everybody knows that paper is dirt cheap these days.

At the local office store, I can get 500 sheets for about $7.99.

Not a bad deal.

As a copywriter, I’m pretty much in the business of selling paper like that. On that paper are often words, of course, but still… it’s paper.

I can take a sheet of paper that I paid less than 2 cents for and I can resell it to clients in a slightly different form for maybe $450 per page.

The best part is, it’s a good deal for everyone. I make out, the client makes out. We’re all happy.

Some service providers focus on selling what they do. In the case of copywriters, some focus on selling words and pages.

Other service providers focus on selling something else. Something with value far beyond that of the raw materials and skill that go into making it.

You need skill and talent to do what you do. But that’s not where the value is hiding.

Clients will only pay so much if all they’re buying is “a few sheets of paper.”

They’ve been taught that there’s a limit to that, beyond which, it’s not a reasonable investment.

So you’ve got to be in the business of selling something else if you want to charge and get fees that are higher than everyone else’s.

What do you sell?

Something much more valuable, of course. 🙂

That something is a bit of a secret in the world of most service providers.

This little secret is such a simple idea and yet most people forget it. They might remember it for a few days, weeks or months… but then things get busy. Eventually, they lose focus and forget.

I talk about what this “thing” is in Part 6 of Phone Selling Secrets.

If you aren’t using the phone to sell or if you struggle when you try, then this 60 minutes will put you on the right track.

And it will refocus you on exactly what this “secret thing” is that you should be selling to maximize your fees.

Get your copy here and start listening right away: