Self-Service Q&A

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 63 Degrees
1:31 p.m.

I spent many years of my life asking questions for which I didn’t have answers.

  • What should I do?
  • What business should I be in?
  • How should I do this?
  • How should I do that?
  • Should I do something completely different?

You can get lost in these questions pretty easily. Even worse, if you ask them and then don’t get an answer for like five years, that’s a lot of days where you still have to do wake-up and look yourself in the mirror.

So what are you supposed to do?

One thing to try is to look out at the world and ask yourself a simple set of questions:

What problems exist out there that I simply can’t stand by and allow to continue? Which problems am I uniquely equipped to address?

For example…

  • I won’t settle for people staying asleep who have the potential and desire to be awake.
  • I won’t settle for people living a set of life circumstances they are told to live rather than a set of circumstances they choose to create.
  • I won’t settle for people being lied to and told that they are weak or dumb or not cut out for success.
  • I won’t settle for people being brainwashed into believing that what they want for themselves is simply not “practical.”
  • I won’t settle for the world not knowing about the inherent value, expertise and gifts of each and every individual alive.
  • I won’t settle for standing by while people who don’t WANT to go through their days being told what to do and when to do it, stick in a situation like that simply because they’ve been told that better options are only reserved for “others.”
  • I won’t settle for people believing they have to invest decades of their life doing things they hate just for “money.”
  • I won’t settle for people falling prey to a worldwide system (based on a cult of death) designed to leach life force from every human on the planet via a “hidden in plain sight” physical and spiritual slavery when I can share with them an alternative that offers freedom.
  • I won’t settle for people being guilted and shamed into following a bunch of rules that run contrary to their own deeply held truths simply because a book or some credentialed “authority” told them to.

As you can see, I’ve given myself plenty to do!

But you know the benefit of doing it this way? It takes your focus off yourself and your “lack of answers” and it puts your focus on some place where you can actually make a difference in the short term.

Do you think you were just plopped onto this plane with no purpose? Have you ever considered the possibility that you CHOSE to be here, right now?

I can tell you one thing from my own experience:

I never FOUND my purpose, I only DISCOVERED it after I stopped trying so hard to find it.

I dare to say that all of these answers are already in you.

Your mind can’t access them, but your heart can.

Isn’t it weird there’s no class in school for learning how to access this? What an odd coincidence.