Running Your Route

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 66 Degrees

“No means, not now…”

“Smile and dial…”

I never really got a lot of value out of mini sales pep talks like this.

To me, hearing a No meant… well, No. It was pretty clear actually.

I’ve gotten to experience cold calling too. Way back when I was in the car business, they had a phone room.

All they had in there were desks, phones, phone books and chairs. There wasn’t even a window!

But there was no smiling going on. In fact, the room was empty almost all the time.

That should tell you show effective the “smile and dial” approach was on the car lot.

Now I was a pretty crafty kid. And, as annoying as it probably was to everyone around me (sorry Mom!), I seem to have been born with the ability to weasel my way to what I want.

Weasel is probably the wrong word. That doesn’t sound so nice now does it?

I really didn’t realize how valuable this skill is, especially as an adult. It’s not really about being a weasel, it’s just about knowing how to navigate from where I’m at to where I want to go. And to do it my own way.

For me, I don’t want to be a “salesman.” I don’t like selling. I don’t like rejection. And frankly, life is too short to subject yourself to situations like that. Why would I want to be somewhere that I’m not welcome?

That’s why I attract.

That’s why my “train” has a route. I come by on that route EVERY DAY.

I pick up the folks who want to jump on the train as clients or customers. I wave and smile to everyone else.

The longer I go, the less I even ask for anyone to get on the train. They just DO. The reason they do is because they trust I know how to get to a destination that they’d like to visit.

My recommendation for you?

Be the train. Build your track (your Platform!). Run your route. Pick-up the passengers that are ready to ride. And leave the strong arm “selling” to the other guys.