Rejectionomics 202 [Advanced Class]

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 31 Degrees

Ever wonder what it’s all for? What we do all of what we do for?

I think about that a lot. I’ve thought about it so much, in fact, that I actually came up with an answer for myself. It didn’t hit me like a flash of brilliance, mind you. It really just kind of bubbled up from somewhere, like a blurry picture coming into focus.

At the beginning of my business career, I thought it was about money. Maybe it is about money for you, but I know it’s not for me. How wrong I was to ever go in that direction.

I thought it was about “helping people.” But that’s a pretty broad target and it’s pretty hard to make an impact when you’re that general.

Eventually, I got a whole lot more specific:

My goal is to do whatever I can to remind you of the power you hold and the unique value you are here to contribute to the world. I’m here to remind you of the divine spark that is inside you right now, whether or not you see it, acknowledge it or understand it. And I’m here to help you figure out how you take that part of you and get it out there into the world where it can do some good.

That’s why I write to you every single day.

Now a purpose like that makes things like money seem worthless. But you know the real benefit that clarity of purpose delivers?

It erases FEAR.

So the idea of someone “rejecting” me when I’m on a journey like that loses power. Instead of rejection being something I avoid, it’s something to be welcomed because it SAVES ME TIME. It’s like a well-lit runway for a plane landing at night. You know where to go and where NOT to go. Thanks rejection!

Now when you get to that level of purpose, you lose sight of a lot of more mundane things… like getting client X to hire you or like getting client Y to sign-up for your newsletter.

It becomes “water under the bridge,” as they say. Which means, it just doesn’t matter.

So why do you do all of this?

What’s it all for, for you?

How clear can you get on THAT?