Please Slow Down, to a Leisurely Pace

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

Years ago, we lived in a little town in Arizona called Cornville.

It’s an unincorporated town, and it’s small. Think of the smallest town you know and then cut that by 75%. That’s about the size of Cornville. So if you blink, you’ll miss it.

Things move a little bit slower in Cornville. In fact, the speed limit at one point down the main thoroughfare is 25MPH. SLOW.

As you approach the town, there’s a series of four signs that always gave me a peaceful feeling.

Here’s what the four signs say:

Welcome to Cornville / A Quiet Place / Please Slow Down / To a Leisurely Pace

It’s a nice way to go through life: leisurely. But that’s not really what you see in our world. All you see is BUSY.

We were trained to be busy. In fact, we were trained to respect busy. Eek!

But if you’ve ever been busy for too long, and your ego doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone by showing everyone how busy and important you are … well, it’s not really a pleasant way through life according to me.

“Every minute scheduled” just doesn’t make sense to me. No thank you.

Do you know what happens when you have large blocks of unscripted time? Your creativity goes through the roof. People may even start calling you a genius. And you’ll chuckle. Because you’ll be doing less but achieving more.

That’s why I like the Platform. It’s simple: a strategically crafted newsletter, podcast or something else that gets created on a regular basis.

Once you get it setup, once you install the habit of publishing it, you kind of slow down to a “leisurely pace” and begin to enjoy the scenery.

The Platform is a LEVER. More effectiveness, less effort.

And it allows you to settle into a nice rhythm that attracts prospects, clients and customers over time.

But here’s the thing with the Platform, it’s a long term play. It’s not exciting at the beginning. And it does not qualify for the “automated internet millions machine” that you see promised by others.

It’s understated, but powerful. It’s for people who “get it” and are willing to invest in their future.

In fact, if you have to be “sold” on this idea of the Platform, it’s not for you.