One to Many, One to Many

The Client Letter
July 16, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 80 degrees

Ever shortchange yourself on the phone with a prospect or client? Would you invest less than $15 to make sure that never happens again? Here’s the solution.


“One to many, one to many, add value to crowds and you’ll have plenty.”

I’m not much of a poet as you can see with that little ditty, but I try. I do try. 🙂

Today’s issue is about Step Numero Uno in the marketing process: casting a wide net.

I was reminded of the topic today during a Mastermind session with a business owner who spends a fair amount of time calling on businesses cold.

I have to give him a lot of credit. Cold calling sucks and it’s grunt work pure and simple.

But he’s actually making it work.

So we talked about ways to leverage his time better and to develop tools that allow him to talk one to many.

Most people in the world will never be your client. But that doesn’t mean you can’t add value to the lives of those people.

In fact, it’s a smart thing to do.

The larger the number of people to which you contribute clear value is in direct proportion to the number of clients you generate.

So make sure you have a tool in your business that allows you to deliver value on a one to many basis.

You do one unit of work and it gets multiplied many times over.

This could be a newsletter…

This could be a special report…

This is Marketing 101, but it’s often overlooked because it takes consistent effort and the payoff is usually delayed by months or even more.

Before you discount these ideas as old fashioned or too simple, ask yourself how many you’ve done on a consistent basis?

A lot of people are out there selling whizbang systems for getting clients.

The truth is, I have no idea how to get clients… except for following this simple rule:

Add value first and add value often.

The rest takes care of itself.

When I do that, the clients show up.

How’s that for a “client getting system?” And it was even free to boot!

Are you using one to many marketing in your business? If not, today is a good day to start.