My Sundays With Casey Kasem

The Client Letter
May 15, 2013
The Northland
Sunny (Is it finally warm?) 55 Degrees

Sunday mornings were pretty interesting back during my college days.

I had a church job playing the organ about 15 minutes outside of Rochester New York.

And every Sunday morning, while any sane college student should be sleeping, I trudged out on highway 490 to the suburbs and did my thing. Each and every Sunday.

All I ever wanted during those days was to be normal. To have a normal schedule. To have a normal job. To have a normal life. To be off when everyone else was off.

Instead, most people’s vacations were my “days at the office.” Easter, Christmas, weekends. You get the picture. The grass is always greener folks. And when you finally realize that that’s the big joke that comes with this human thing, you can just chuckle and look down at the beautiful grass growing right under your feet. (You belong where you are, that’s why you’re there.)

On the drive to church, I’d usually hear part of Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 program which he hosted for almost 20 years.

I put the link in there for those of you who are under 30.

(Somebody called me “middle-aged” the other day and I had to chuckle. My first reaction was to say, “Middle-aged? Is he talking about me? For some reason I still seem to view myself like I’m 18 or something… 🙂

Casey Kasem had quite a platform and exerted a lot of influence.

If you’re in the client business, you need a platform too. This is the foundation on which you build your client attraction efforts.

You can skip this and go try to get clients by advertising, of course. But you’re going to find a lot of company in that pond these days. And a lot of noise.

I like the idea of differentiating through the actions you take, not just the words you say. It means more.

A “platform” is a way to transmit value to a specific group of people. It could be a blog, a newsletter, a podcast, whatever. You become valuable first. That’s really the recipe.

Building a platform is slow and hard. That’s why when you actually do it and look back from the other side, you find yourself in very unique territory. You won’t find many people there, because most will not be willing to make the journey. (This is a clue.)

And this is why it is so valuable. Because few will do it.

The new issue of the Rainmaker Letter comes out this week.

I’d like to tell you what’s inside, but the better thing would be to show you. So visit this link to see a sample issue.

The best part is, this sample issue walks you through how to build your own platform to attract clients.

If you like The Client Letter, the Rainmaker Letter should be a treat. Because I have a lot more space to deal with things in depth.

A full year subscription is currently $99, PLUS you receive a complimentary marketing consultation as a subscriber. As the number of subscribers grows, I won’t be able to continue offering this, but for now…

Become a subscriber today and get onboard for the new issue that’s about to come out.