My Biggest Mistake

The Client Letter
December 28, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 36 Degrees

In 2002, I started my first internet business. I sold a handmade product to musicians who played the oboe.

It was awesome. In fact, ever since that first order came in via Paypal, I’ve been hooked. The idea of taking some ideas in your head, or in this case a small handmade product and creating a real business out of NOTHING is really exciting.

At least it is for me.

Over the years, I’ve proven to myself again and again that you CAN create something valuable out of “nothing.”

Look around, people far less capable than you are doing it all the time.

Every day, I work to make “creating something out of nothing” “what I do” to support me and my family and help people all over the world.

If I had it to do over again, though, I’d do one important thing very differently.

The biggest mistake I’ve made on an all too consistent basis is aiming too low.

Particularly, in the size of opportunity I pursue.

My skills can be aimed at opportunity that maxes out at $100,000 per year. Or they can be aimed at opportunity that maxes out at $1,000,000 per year. Or even $50,000,000.

I can aim at creating change in the lives of 10 people, or 5,000 or 5 million.

I’d like to say it was a lack of insight or experience that made me choose “small ponds” to play in over the years.

But frankly, I’m smarter than that.

After thinking about it, the only real reason I have for making this mistake is: fear.

When I play it safe, I decrease the chances of ever failing BIG in front of the whole world.

Sadly, by “playing it safe” I fail in a much more profound and painful way… SLOWLY.

This all comes back to what you TRULY think about your own value.

And that’s why it’s so important to get crystal clear on WHAT it is that you bring to the table of life.

When you GET IT about just how unique you really are, your confidence takes a huge leap.

People treat you differently. Money treats you differently. The world treats you differently.


Because YOU treat YOU differently. And everyone and everything takes their cue from that.

Are you pursuing something worth pursuing?

You do the world no favors by cowering to your fears and playing small.

You only do the world a favor when you SHOW-UP as the person you’re meant to be.

I want to help you figure out exactly what that looks like.

Just imagine what can happen after THAT.

Only a few days left until the price jumps: