Mr. Clarity

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 66 Degrees

RE: Mr. Clarity

Last week, after a Platform Express session, I received a kind email from my client thanking me for my help during the session.

She explained that, from this point forward, she would refer to me as Mr. Clarity, since I was able to help her see the way forward.

That made me chuckle, “Mr. Clarity.” But it’s also pretty humbling.

I don’t know why I’m able to hear someone talk about a bunch of unrelated things and then tie it all up in a nice neat package that helps them take a step forward with confidence.

I don’t know how that works exactly, but I do know that it’s something that just comes to me.

It took me a long time to be OK with dishing out “clarity” when I often have such a complete and utter LACK of clarity about my own direction.

You would think that if I didn’t have it, there’d be no way to give it to others. There’s some saying about that I believe.

But that’s just flat out wrong. I know, because I live it every day.

I can help others get clear even when I’m not clear about myself. And I finally realized that’s not something I need to fix. It just is.

I bring this up because I imagine there are unique things about YOU and your work with clients that don’t make sense to your brain. Maybe they’re contradictions like my clarity issue.

They might make so little sense to your brain that perhaps you even try to downplay those things, or change them, or worse, FIX them.

You weren’t made to be OTHER than how you are.

The goal is to figure out how to use that to the best of your ability. It’s an ADVANTAGE if you can just learn to see it.

If I had waited until I had 100% clarity about my own direction before I started helping others, I’d still be waiting!

Don’t do that to yourself. There are clients out there you can help now.