Managing the Marketing Magnet

The Client Letter
July 5, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 70 degrees

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In music school, my teacher always chuckled when someone was performing and, right before the end of a well played piece, they crashed and burned. Maybe they had a memory slip or just made some other error.

He called it something like, “drowning when you’re 10 feet from shore.”

In the service selling business, it’s easy to do the same thing.

It’s easy to forget that, up until the money is in your bank account, you’re in marketing/selling mode.

(Even after the sale you’re still marketing, but that’s a topic for another day.)

I view it a little bit like a bank account. In this example, however, we’re not dealing with money, we’re dealing with the force of attraction.

When a prospect contacts you about your services, he’s doing that because the attractive force of what you have (or might have) is strong enough to overcome inertia. So he picks up the phone and calls you.

From this point on, you want to be mindful whether your actions are making deposits in your force of attraction account or withdrawals.

When you offer a “free consultation,” you are making a withdrawal from your force of attraction account. That’s because you have released some “tension.” You have given the prospect what he requested.

When you are available “later in the day” because he missed the scheduled consultation, you are again making a withdrawal from your force of attraction account. You have given the prospect what he requested, again.

To the extent you step towards your prospect and grant requests, you are making withdrawals. To the extent you (intelligently) take a step away from your prospect, you are making deposits.

That’s simplifying things a bit too much, but hopefully the underlying point is clear.

It’s important to make as many deposits as you can up and until (and even after) the sale is closed and the real money is deposited in your account.


Because humans want what they cannot have, that’s why.

They might not admit it. And they probably don’t like that it’s true. But I have yet to find real evidence in my experience that this isn’t true.

As you’re talking with prospects, ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now making deposits in my force of attraction account or am I making withdrawals?”

Making deposits is the only path to wealth.